Graduated in Biology from the University of Lisbon in 1986 and joined the University of the Azores as a Trainee Assistant in 1990, where she ended her academic career with a doctorate in Biology, specialty of Animal Ecology.
She has Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Biology, of this University, teaching subjects of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd study cycles.
Has supervised Bachelor (pre-Bologna), Master, Doctorate and Post-Doc, students, and has participated in numerous undergraduate and postgraduate evaluation panels, as well as national and international scholarship and project evaluation panels.
Her scientific background has been focused on Ecology, Conservation, Environment and Sustainable Development, having been responsible for several environmental services (monitoring studies) and R&D projects, and has also participated in European projects such as LIFE and RISE H2020 actions, and scientific dissemination projects. The outcomes of these projects have been published in national and international scientific journals, and disseminated in the regional and national press.