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Garcia-Verdugo, C., Calleja, J.A., Vargas, P., Silva, L., Moreira, O. & Pulido, F. (2013). Polyploidy and microsatellite variation in the relict tree Prunus lusitanica L.: how effective are refugia in preserving genotypic diversity of clonal taxa?. Molecular Ecology, 22, 1546-1557.
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Martins, J.M., Moreira, O.C.B., Sardos, J., Maciel, M.G.B., Silva, L. & Moura, M.M.T. (2013). Population genetics and conservation of the Azorean tree Picconia azorica. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 49, 135-143.
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Moreira, O.C.B., Martins, J.M., Sardos, J., Maciel, M.G.B., Silva, L. & Moura, M.M.T. (2013). Population genetic structure and conservation of the Azorean tree Prunus azorica (Rosaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 299, 1737-1748.
Moura, M., Silva, L. & Caujape-Castells, J. (2013). Population genetics in the conservation of the Azorean shrub Viburnum treleasei Gand. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 299, 1809-1817.
Ramalho, R.S., Quartau, R., Trenhaile, A.S., Mitchell, N.C., Woodroffe, C.D. & Avila, S.P. (2013). Coastal evolution on volcanic oceanic islands: A complex interplay between volcanism, erosion, sedimentation, sea-level change and biogenic production. Earth-Science Reviews, 127, 140-170.
Raposeiro, P.M., Hughes, S.J. & Costa, A.C. (2013). Environmental drivers - spatial and temporal variation of macroinvertebrate communities in island streams: the case of the Azores Archipelago. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 182, 337-350.
Avila, S.P., Ramalho, R. & Vullo, R. (2012). Systematics, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography of the Neogene fossil sharks from the Azores (Northeast Atlantic). Annales De Paleontologie, 98, 167-189.