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José Carlos Goulart Fontes

José Carlos Fontes has a degree in Agricultural Engineering and a PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Rural Engineering). Is Professor in FCCA since may 2005, he has lectured at bachelor and master degree courses, mainly in the areas of hydraulics, irrigation and hydrology. He was director of the Masters in Environmental Engineering and Engineering and Management of Water Systems. Participated / participates in several projects related to the environmental functioning of agricultural systems in the Region, with special importance the contamination of surface and groundwater with nitrates, phosphates and other agrochemicals, in the production of runoff and soil erosion due to physiography, occupation and soil management. He has participated in 22 congresses and workshops, most of which have presented oral communications. Of the published works, 10 are in books and / or magazines with arbitration; 14 in magazines and / or record books; 8 in monographs and special publications; 4 in books and / or magazines without arbitration and 25 communications. He is a reviewer of scientific papers in the international journals "Journal of Hydrology", "Science of the Total Environment", "Agricultural Water Management". At the University of the Azores, he is a member of the Assembly of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and of the Scientific Council.


Lamelas-López, L., Borges, P.A.V., Tarantino, E., Juliano, M.M., Fontes, J.C., Moules, C., et al. (1AD). Monitoring ten insect pests in selected orchards in three Azorean Islands: The project CUARENTAGRI, 11.