GBM - Madeira Biodiversity Group
We investigate the past, present and future of the flora and fauna of Madeira and the Macaronesian islands. Our research activities include: Study of the fauna, flora and vegetation of the past; The history of zoological and botanical knowledge in Macaronesia; Study of the current fauna, flora and vegetation; Description of new species, subspecies and new combinations; Genetic diversity; Island ecology, Ecology - plant landscape, tree growth rings and invasive plants, invasive animals. Phylogenetic relationships and colonization patterns of several taxa, essentially the endangered and endemic/native taxa.
The main goals of this research group are:
- To contribute to a better paleobotanical and paleozoological knowledge of Macaronesia;
- To better understand vegetation types and dynamics, including recent landscape changes, and human- driven changes in the Macaronesian Landscape;
- To contribute to a better floristic knowledge of Madeira and to taxonomical knowledge of critical taxa including their conservation status (e.g., Andryala L., Sinapidendron Lowe, Musschia Dum., Carlina L., Aeonium Webb & Berthel., Tolpis Adans., Myrica faya Aiton, Dracaena draco L.);
- To contribute to a better faunal knowledge of Madeira and to taxonomical knowledge of several taxa (e.g. bats, reptiles, birds, land-snails), including their conservation status.
Group Leader
Research Team