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Andrea Zita Costa Botelho

PhD at the University of the Azores on Marine Sciences (2013): Marine Spatial Planning in Marine Protected Areas.

Master degree in Management and Nature Conservation (2005) and degree in Biology (2000).

Main research interests focus also on biodiversity, management, Ecosystem Based Management, monitoring, marine protected areas, marine spatial planning, Non indigenous species, ocean literacy, aquaculture and tourism.

Currently post-doc research on Environmental Science/Tourism with focus on suitable seascapes planning for touristic purposes.

Principal investigator in the project SCAPETOUR, and researcher in several projects in the fields of marine sciences and social sciences - tourism.

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Botelho, A.Z. & Costa, A.C. (2000). Shell occupancy of the intertidal hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus (Decapoda, Diogenidae) on Sao Miguel (Azores). Hydrobiologia, 440, 111-117.