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Cordeiro, R., Luz, R., Lage, S., Menezes, C., Dias, E., Flores, C., et al. (n.d.). Metabolomic and taxonomic characterization of Haloleptolyngbya lusitanica sp. nov. (Cyanobacteria, Synechococcales). Phycologia, 1-10, .
Luz, R., Cordeiro, R., Kaštovský, J., Johansen, J.R., Dias, E., Fonseca, A., et al. (n.d.). New terrestrial cyanobacteria from the Azores Islands: description of Venetifunis gen. nov. and new species of Albertania, Kovacikia and Pegethrix. Phycologia, 1-16, .
van der Loos, L.M., Bafort, Q., Bosch, S., Ballesteros, E., Bárbara, I., Berecibar, E., et al. (n.d.). Non-indigenous seaweeds in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and Macaronesia: a critical synthesis of diversity, spatial and temporal patterns. European Journal of Phycology, 1-30, .