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26 October 2023
Atlantic Project Award Winner
The SeaThings project, co-led by CIBIO Çores in the person of Prof. Ana Costa and in which CIBIO researchers Andrea Botelho and Manuela Parente also participated, was awarded the Atlantic Project
9 October 2023
Marine SABRES – 2nd General Assembly
Between the 3rd and 5th of October, the 2nd General Assembly of the Marine SABRES ( was held at Hafnarfjörður, Iceland with the participation of the CIBIO elements Ana
26 May 2023
6ª edição do Spring seminar CIBIO-Açores
Nos próximos dias 1 e 2 de Junho irá se realizar a 6ª edição do Spring seminar 2023 organizado pelo CIBIO-Açores, unidade de investigação regional integrada na Rede de Investigação em Biodiversidade e