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20 April 2021
"Research and monitoring of visitor use and impacts in global protected areas: recent trends and future needs"
Enquadrado no programa de webinários Luso Americanos ScienceOn by UAc patrocinados pelo American Corner da UAc, o CIBIO Açores promove a realização do CIBIO-Açores Nature Webinar Series 2021 que constitui uma série de 4 seminários online por cientistas e académicos de várias universidades americanas, com o objetivo de promover os laços educacionais e de investigação entre o EUA e Portugal, assinalando várias datas importantes relacionadas com a investigação desenvolvida no CIBIO e com as temáticas lecionadas no âmbito das ciências naturais da FCT_UAc. Assim, o CIBIO-Açores irá celebrar o Dia Internacional da Terra, 22 de Abril, promovendo a consciência ambiental para a necessidade de preservar a biodiversidade e áreas protegidas do planeta; adoção de boas práticas de turismo sustentável, com a palestra "Research and monitoring of visitor use and impacts in global protected areas: recent trends and future needs" que será proferida pelo Prof. Yu-Fai Leung da Universidade da Carolina do Norte, pelas 17 horas (hora Açores). A inscrição é feita por email, sendo necessária para aceder ao evento através da plataforma zoom, e para obter confirmação de participação.
15 April 2021
Biome changes : global and regional expansion of anthromes
Enquadrado no programa de webinários Luso Americanos “ScienceOn by Uac”, patrocinados pelo American Corner da UAc, o CIBIO Açores promove a realização do CIBIO-Açores Nature Webinar Series 2021, que constitui uma série de seminários virtuais por cientistas e académicos de várias universidades americanas, com o objetivo de promover os laços educacionais e de investigação entre os EUA e Portugal, no âmbito da investigação desenvolvida no CIBIO. Este webinário decorrerá no próximo dia 21 de abril, pelas 15:00 (hora dos Açores), com a participação do Professor Erle C. Ellis, da Universidade de Maryland, Baltimore County. Será abordado o tema das alterações globais e regionais do coberto vegetal, ou seja, a transição dos biomas como tipos de vegetação natural dependentes do clima, para formações de origem antrópica, designadas como antromas. O evento contará também com investigadores que abordam estas alterações nos Açores e em Cabo Verde, recorrendo a métodos ecológicos e paleolimnológicos. A inscrição é feita por email, sendo necessária para aceder ao evento através da plataforma zoom, e para obter confirmação de participação.
11 March 2021
Newsletter Winter 2020/21
CIBIO-Açores, the Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources – Azores, is based at the University of the Azores while constituting a research group of InBIO, the Research Network in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology. In 2020 it included 92 researchers: 25 PhDs (11 professors, 1 principal researcher, 2 junior researchers and 11 post-doc fellows), 11 PhD students, 7 MSc students and 49 research fellows. In 2020 the center published 41 papers and managed to obtain funding at national and international levels. Since its establishment in 2006, the center is devoted to the development of high-level research in biodiversity using the Azores and other island systems as models. Its areas of activity span from coastal biotopes to natural and exotic forests but also include freshwater ecology, paleoecology, and paleontology.
10 March 2021
Newsletter Winter 2020/21
CIBIO-Açores, the Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources – Azores, is based at the University of the Azores while constituting a research group of InBIO, the Research Network in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology. In 2020 it included 92 researchers: 25 PhDs (11 professors, 1 principal researcher, 2 junior researchers and 11 post-doc fellows), 11 PhD students, 7 MSc students and 49 research fellows. In 2020 the center published 41 papers and managed to obtain funding at national and international levels. Since its establishment in 2006, the center is devoted to the development of high-level research in biodiversity using the Azores and other island systems as models. Its areas of activity span from coastal biotopes to natural and exotic forests but also include freshwater ecology, paleoecology, and paleontology.
9 February 2021
A passion for algal biodiversity
A passion for algal biodiversity Suzanne Fredericq Suzanne Fredericq is a Professor of Biology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a long-time collaborator with University of the Azores. She comes from Belgian families of scholars, including female pioneers in law, arts and science. Her scientific career started as a girl with a Weizmann Institute Fellowship for high school graduates, and continued to become one of the most respected algal specialists. She will talk about her passion for algal biodiversity and her field of study - the systematics of marine red algae, a field concerned with detecting patterns of evolutionary relationships among the species under study. She will illustrate how her approach to seaweed research would certainly have been less joyful if it weren't for experiencing analogies in biological structure and process, and in visual art. She will address how the art historian Marie Fredericq-Lilar, her mother, instilled in her a love of art and aesthetics, how the writer Suzanne Lilar, her grandmother, instilled in her a love of intellectual pursuit, and how the painter Eugene J. Martin, her husband, crystallized in her the combination of both.
10 November 2020
Estratégia para promover a biotecnologia azul na Macaronésia: Roteiro 2020-2030 - Online Workshop
No próximo dia 11 de novembro de 2020 terá lugar o Workshop "Estratégia para Promover a Biotecnologia Azul na Macaronésia: Roteiro 2020-2030" organizado pelo Banco Espanhol de Algas da Universidade de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, no âmbito do projeto REBECA. O REBECA propõe a criação de uma plataforma de colaboração entre as diferentes regiões da Macaronésia e do Nordeste da África que permita consolidar uma rede de excelência em biotecnologia baseada na economia azul, especificamente na biodiversidade de microalgas. A rede REBECA procura identificar e priorizar as necessidades tecnológicas, burocráticas e legislativas necessárias para garantir a competitividade, sustentabilidade e crescimento do tecido empresarial em torno da biotecnologia de algas. Durante o workshop procurar-se-á identificar os desafios que o setor enfrenta ao nível da região da Macaronésia, de forma a concluir com um Roteiro para a promoção da biotecnologia azul na Macaronésia, com base na estreita cooperação público-privada. Duas questões centrais serão abordadas: o desenvolvimento da biotecnologia de algas no cenário europeu e nacional, bem como questões relacionadas com o quadro regulamentar regional, com especialistas nacionais e internacionais na área. Para participar no workshop registe-se através do formulário disponível neste link. O projeto REBECA (MAC/1.1a/060) é cofinanciado a 85% por fundos FEDER do Programa de Cooperação Territorial INTERREG V A Espanha-Portugal MAC 2014-2020.
30 July 2020
Research published in Sustainability Journal analyzes the agriculture sector's performance in Cabo Verde under the SDGs and the Common Agricultural Policy for West Africa (ECOWAP)
Cabo Verdean researcher, Danilson Varela, in partnership with researchers from the Institute of Agronomy in Lisbon (Maria Romeiras, Filipa Monteiro, Patrícia Vidigal), and from the University of the Azores (Luís Silva) published in the Sustainability Journal (ISSN 2071-1050), a research paper that analyzes the performance of the agrarian sector in Cabo Verde under the Objectives of Sustainable Development (SDGs) and the Common Agricultural Policy for West Africa (CAADP / ECOWAP). The article entitled "Mechanisms Implemented for the Sustainable Development of Agriculture: An Overview of Cabo Verde Performance" (available at ), is part of the "CV AGROBIODIVERSITY - climatic changes and plant genetic resources: the overlooked potential of Cabo Verde's endemic flora" led by Maria Manuel Romeiras, and financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN).
4 March 2020
Spring Seminar 2021
CIBIO-Azores, a research unit based at the University of the Azores and integrated in the Research Network on Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (InBIO, Associated Laboratory), organizes the Fall Seminar with the purpose of disseminating its research activities within the academic community, but also with the funding agencies and other partners at regional level. The research group delivers research work in the areas of systematics, evolution, biogeography and paleontology, ecology, limnology and coastal biology. With this event, the research unit carries out one of its functions, namely the dissemination of projects and results obtained in their investigations, resulting in a summary of its contribution to the advancement of knowledge. It is also an opportunity for the collection of the elements of the unit, usually occupied with its specific tasks, and therefore a step towards greater scientific and personal integration of the body of researchers.